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Beehive at Crown Parcel Scaled Launch Facility

Safety & Security
Person detection
Airspace Link

The Sunflower Labs Beehive system, located at the Scaled Launch Facility, aims to test beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) capabilities around the parcel and adjacent Michigan Central parking lot. This system can be operated remotely, from anywhere in the U.S., by a certified Part 107 remote pilot to inspect various points around the lot. This system is being used to gather safety data for drone operations and enable growth of the BVLOS system at Michigan Central.

How does this technology make you feel?
Question 1 / 6
Airspace Link

Who is accountable for this technology?

Safety & Security

What is the purpose of this technology?

Person detection

What type of technology is this?

Pixel-based Image

What type of data is being collected?

Computer vision

How will this data be processed?

Available to the accountable organization

Who can access this data?

Retained indefinitely

How is this data stored?

Michigan Central Transparency Portal